about the author gerry renart

I am a wife, mother of three children and a grandmother. Family has often played a role in the callings I have felt in my life and it was my grandchildren that led me to the discovery that I had joyful stories to tell. Family traditions, a child’s stuffed animal and the daunting monster in the closet were all cherished memories that became endearing tales for all children and families to enjoy.

It was Carl Sandburg who said, “Nothing happens unless first a dream.”  In 2018, I had a dream with a distinct image of writing on a yellow notepad. It appeared twice and I knew it was more than a coincidence, it was going to turn out to be a new calling. Having spent my career in dentistry, I signed up for an automatic writing class. This was the stepping stone that helped me tap into the creativity of writing in a child’s voice, and making their thoughts come together to detail charming accounts of their experiences with family.

About the Author